Thursday, October 1, 2020

Is There a Name for This?

There's a certain colour out there in early October that defies description. It's abundant in our garden, where you can see it in sedum (Autumn Joy variety), and especially in Limelight hydrangeas,

and barberry (below).

The last two are, curiously enough, lime green earlier in the season before they develop this soft rose colour. I would call it "dusty" rose, except I hate the sound of that. Is there a better name for it?
I happen to have some linen, washed and ready to sew in this exact colour.
I'm trying to decide what to make out of it. An Estuary Skirt? Free Range Slacks? Something else? Ideas, anyone? 
Bonus pic (a bit fuzzy, sorry): the view from above the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, about a 2-minute walk from my front door.

Stunning clouds over the US side of the lake, beyond Wolfe Island in the distance. Odd how it's quite common for us to be in sunshine here on the north shore of Lake Ontario while upstate NY is shrouded in fog (or snow).