Thursday, May 29, 2014

Save the Date

Here's some exciting news. I'm involved in organizing a knitting retreat at a beautiful inn in Prince Edward County, south of Picton, ON. Yesterday, Lesley Snyder, of Rosehaven Yarns and I met at Jackson's Falls Country Inn to check out the facilities and think about how the retreat will work  there. The day was cool and felt more like fall than spring, and I could easily imagine our group in the old schoolhouse with the wood stove keeping us toasty. There's a great video on the inn's website for views of the location and I hope you'll visit the site to check it out. Since the County is renowned for its vineyards, cheese, and agro-tourism, Black River cheeses and local wines will be featured on the menu. I'll let everyone know as soon as the teachers and schedule are available, but I can tell you that all of this will happen on the weekend of November 7-9, 2014. Stay tuned.
What else has been going on here? I've been a slacker in the blogging department during the process of getting Isabel off on her summer intern adventure, but I have been doing a bit of spinning. Lesley, at her Rosehaven shop, offers some nice little batts of her own production.

This is corriedale in a mix of navy, olive green, turquoise, and a tiny bit of cream. 

I'm aiming for an aran weight, so the singles aren't skinny, even though corriedale tends (in my limited experience) to bloom out a lot after it's washed. This sort of multi-coloured batt is so much fun to spin that it's easy to forget that then end-product will have limited uses in knitting. There's only so much you can do with a yarn that has this much going on. Ideas?