while the participants try out the ice.
Others try tamer pursuits, although the skater in the distance here had on speed skates and took off soon after at a pretty high speed.
Looking for something less solitary? How about a game of shinny on your own private rink? Someone's shovelled what little snow we've had off this patch in front of their house.
I'm sticking with walking and knitting as my preferred deep winter entertainments. I wonder if I chose this colour combo out of a desire for spring, warmth, and above all, green things.
Sigh. It's still January. Not even February (surely the grimmest month of all).
P.S. Need a good audiobook to while away the cold days? Enjoy historical mysteries? C.S. Harris's What Angels Fear is just out on Audible.com, narrated by the always magical voice of Davina Porter. Five stars.