"gorgeous, classic designs include show-stopping details that will make you want to include more than one in your updated wardrobe"--Vogue Knitting, Fall 2013
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Me on Youtube
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Andrea Doig for her Fruity Knitting podcast. Andrea is a musician (like me), likes BBC costume dramas (like me), and has a husband who is learning to knit (definitely NOT like me). The interview is an exploration of how and why I do what I do in the knitting world, and it has a really nice touch--both the musical intro and conclusion are taken from one of John Dowland's famous lute songs, "Come Again", a nod to my own musical interests and tastes. I hope you'll tune in to see Andrea and her knitting husband Andrew as they discuss what they have "Under Construction", engage in "Extreme Knitting" in such locales as German woods and and Welsh mountaintops, and bring us interviews with knitters and designers from around the globe. Thanks, Andrea and Andrew!