Sunday, May 3, 2015

Turning the Page...

I'm about to lose my model. Isabel has finished her degree in computing at Queen's and in a couple of weeks she'll be leaving for a summer internship (her second year at the same company) in Silicon Valley, followed by grad school. Although she'll return home for brief stints, she'll likely never again live with us. I took her and James out for a last lunch at Chez Piggy, where we learned that in a quirk of timing, Isabel's favourite sandwich (grilled aged cheddar on olive bread, with carrot salad on the side) is leaving the menu on almost the same day as she is leaving town. So, here are Isabel and James on a sunny spring day in the courtyard in the old mews.

Now I have to rush to finish the lightweight cardigan I'm working on before Isabel hops on board her train to Toronto, then her flight from there to San Francisco. Today was the day of the big cut. Below you can see the yarn ends on the interior of the steek taped in place with masking tape. No point in weaving them in when they're about to be sewn in place. The tape does a nice job of keeping everything tidy during the sewing, which is done from the right side.

Next you can see the sewing lines from the inside. It's best to cut from the wrong side since the lines of contrasting thread show up so much better there. No need to worry about the contrasting colour showing. It'll get lost in the facing. After the cutting, I trimmed the yarn ends short.

And voila.

OK, I chickened out of all that pink. These soft blues and greens (three shades of the latter) are much more to my liking. I'm really pleased with the result. Now on to that picot border...