Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Make Your Own Linen Scarf

This is a good time of year for linen, not wool, scarves. You want a little something around your neck, but it's not cool enough for wool. Since I have a stash of leftover linen, yesterday I made a scarf out of some. Prepare yourself. The colour is not exciting. It's a bluish grey. Next time I order linen I'll make sure to order some in yummier hues. Anyway, here's how I did it.

1. Cut out a piece 60" x 11". Make sure you are on the grainlines. I didn't tear the linen to to achieve this, not wanting to stretch it out of shape, so I did that thing where you pull a thread across to create a straight cutting line.

2. Fray the ends. I did this for only 1" at each end. Ideally you should do this for longer, but I confess that I ran out of patience, and my audiobook was nearing its end.

3. Press the sides under 1/4" twice, then edgestitch. If you love hand sewing and have oodles of time, you could choose to hand stitch the edges under. Not my thing. If I want hand work, I'd rather knit. Done.

Same scarf in different rooms in different light. Notice how the worn and crinkled version looks so much more stylish!