For the last few days, I've been motoring up the body on Zora. As of last night, I was about an inch shy of the underarms. I stopped at this point just in case the body grows a bit in length after blocking. If it does, I won't have to rip anything out. If it doesn't, I'll just add the extra inch before proceeding. First off, let me say how much I love knitting with my own handspun. I may be a beginning spinner, but I'm finding that this Corriedale wool has just the right amount of loft.
Here's where I left off.
This morning, I put all the stitches onto a long length of wool. Then I soaked the piece for a few minutes in a bowl of warm water.
Notice that I've left the live stitches and the attached ball of wool out of the water; I don't want the active stitches to stretch.
Next, I gave the wet wool a gentle squeeze (so as to avoid felting), rolled it up in a towel, placed it on my kitchen floor, and jumped on it a little bit to get out the worst of the wet.
No growing, apparently. This means that when I work the upper body, I can be assured that the final piece will measure the same as the work-in-progress on the needles. Yay!