Sunday, October 4, 2020

When the Patches Have Patches

This is the first time I've tried to write a blog post from my phone. Since last spring I've known that I need to replace my Glenora. Here's Isabel in hers, back when she still lived with us. What a great colour that "Irlande" is. Such a lively green!


With my blue version, both elbows have been darned, and the darns have been re-darned. Time to let go. I'll felt it and it can become a new tea cozy. Or more mitten liners. So, this aft I hauled out some Berroco Mercado from the bottom of my stash to cast on a new Glenora. The wool is slightly on the skimpy side but I think it'll be OK.

Phew. This seems to have worked! (Both the yarn and the blogging.)