Saturday, August 13, 2011

Down by the Bay

Did a little grocery shopping this morning, because I just had to have a salade Nicoise and we needed some fresh-picked local green beans. On the way back, I encountered this.

I thought it looked like a bunch of knitters all waggling their fingers to loosen them up, but it turns out that it's a tai chi group meeting for morning exercises. After wiggling their fingers around for a long while, they began to do deep bends.


and then, up.
It looked supremely relaxing. Maybe I'll have to explore this further...
I wandered off to one side and had a close-up view of Murney Tower, one of Kingston's martello towers.

The roof of the gazebo with the tai chi people is visible at centre left.
On the knitting front, I've been writing up a submission, so I haven't anything much to show, except for this little swatch done in the Fiber Company's "Canopy". 

 Very delicate. Suitable for a baby garment, I think.