Monday, January 30, 2012


We're having a record warm winter.  The lake is open, no ice except in the harbours where the water is still.  We get a little snow--then it melts. There are days when the streets are ankle-deep in slush. Our rubber boots are getting more wear than our winter boots.

Lily Lane looks as though it's March, not the end of January. Everything is grey and dirty and looks as though it came straight out of a Charles Dickens novel.

We've had enough cold, however, for the rink two blocks away in the city park to be frozen. I met Catherine there while I was out walking.

She was practising shots on goal.

The park is just below the courthouse, which today is almost, but not quite, vacant of media trucks now that the verdict is in in the Shafia trial.

That's a Global TV van off to one side. For those readers not in Canada, you can read here about this important case with international implications. You don't have to be an ex-lawyer like me to find the it fascinating.
On the knitting front, I'm checking out Lynne Barr's "Reversible Knitting" for ideas for my next project. On the one hand, I want the project to be interesting, but on the other, I want it to be accessible to other less experienced knitters. A tough line to walk sometimes. I'm working on some swatches. Show and tell next time.