Thursday, October 20, 2011

And Found!

It's apparent to me now that I must have been living in some sort of fog of fatigue when I thought I had lost my original Sandridge sweater. I was convinced yesterday that I must have left it behind while trying on winter coats the day before. I went back to all the places I'd been and looked all over the house--everywhere except the one place I ordinarily never put sweaters. That place is, of course, the laundry basket in our upstairs hall. I must have scooped up a pile of dirty laundry with Sandridge mixed in with it and tossed it all in. This morning, while sorting the contents of the basket into whites and colours, there it was! I feel stupid, but joyous.
We're having grey, windy, rainy weather this week, and I'm keeping my happy mood going by knitting some happy socks.

These are simple, no-brainer, mock cable socks, 'cause clearly, my brain isn't capable of anything more this week.